Analyzing the topics on which we would like to inform you, this appeared: requirements to secure a car. It is a point that usually does not offer much information, so we consider that this writing can be somehow, revealing.

While there are many, or complicated, there are some guidelines that must be met when hiring. Not all insurers handle the same items, but for the most part, when insuring the car, they ask you for the following requirements:
Cars up to 20 years old are insured. If your vehicle exceeds that number of years, it falls into the classic car insurance category
As for the aggregates that you have made to your car (that is, what you have put to the vehicle to "tune" it), there are 2 situations:
The first one is that the insurer considers that by the aggregates the car is NOT safe and therefore can refuse to insure the vehicle. In that case, you will have to consult with other insurance companies, until you find someone who is willing to offer you the coverage you need.
The second situation that may arise is that the insurer considers that the changes made in the vehicle do not affect the safety of the vehicle, therefore they offer coverage, but nevertheless, it will be established in the insurance policy that the aggregates will not be covered. in case of damages. This is due to the fact that the insurance policies only cover damage to original parts or homologated by the insurance company.
Keep in mind that if you use the car to work, you have to make a car insurance for vehicles that are affected for commercial activity (such as passenger transport). So, only vehicles of private use are insured, if you use it for work, you have to clarify it at the time of hiring because if you do not do it, before a loss, you will not be able to enjoy the agreed coverage.
All documentation normally required by the authorities (such as driver's license, etc.) must be in order and up-to-date.
Before signing the contract that will offer coverage to claims, an inspection of the vehicle will be carried out. Most insurers give you options when conducting the inspection, since they can do it in their facilities or, they send inspectors to a place to be agreed, so that the vehicle inspection does not mean a loss of time for their clients.
Additionally, the title of ownership of the vehicle and the ID of the insured must be presented in order to verify their identity.
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