Electric cars: ecological and safe

Many of us, we are lovers of the care of nature and the ecosystem that welcomes us as a race (the human race) and on multiple occasions, surely like me, you have raised the possibility of contributing to the welfare of Mother Earth, becoming the owner of an electric car
As we already know, or as we have been able to hear and read, electric cars are, if you like, green cars.
Although in the same name "electric cars" appears "implicit" its meaning, I would like to ask and answer for you the following question:

What is an electric car?

They are electric vehicles, those that for the operation of your motor, you need indispensable electrical energy, which will be stored in a battery that is recharged by plugging the car into an outlet.

Electric cars, synonymous with green cars?

Quickly, before this question, we all come to mind as a huge mental image YES.
Now, as in everything, if it is well implemented it is good and ecological, but if it is not, if it is not regulated, electric cars can become an antonym of green cars.
And how is that? This statement is based on the fact that for the production of batteries and electric motors, the exploitation of toxic minerals such as nickel, copper or aluminum is required.
The exploitation of these elements of the periodic table, would generate acid rain, over exploitation of fossil fuels and contamination of ecosystems. For this reason, the regulation for the manufacture of electric cars is so important, before its implementation in the different countries of the world.
Greenpeace, has done a research called "Friends of the Earth and Transport & Environment" from which it was deduced that if "electricity from an electric car comes from a coal plant, it will have generated so much CO2 or even more"

Electric Cars in Argentina
For this 2016, it was expected to be able to implement the use of ecological cars in Argentina. The reality is that after the energy emergency that our country is going through, it is an idea that has gone to a tenth level, at least.
On the other hand, there is neither infrastructure nor legislation that regulates both the manufacture and use of electric cars in the national territory.
In 123Seguro, frankly, we want the appearance of electric cars in Argentina to be a fact, but we also want, surely like all of you, to do the right way to help the planet and benefit it, and not to deteriorate it.
Ecological cars: features
If we talk about electric cars, well implemented from the moment of its manufacture, we can say that the biggest and best of its characteristics is that, having an engine that does not burn fuels during its use, it does not emit gases into the atmosphere. So we are talking about ZERO CONTAMINATION.

Other features:

If the motors of the electric cars are produced in series, they tend to be more compact, therefore more economical and much simpler in terms of mechanics, than an internal combustion engine.

They are vehicles that require little maintenance.

It does not need a cooling circuit or oil.

It produces much less noise pollution and when handling it, it almost does not make noise when working and its vibrations are imperceptible.

When operating, it generates little heat and does not suffer too many vibrations, so its life can be very high.
As for the efficiency of the electric motor, it is around 90%. Due to thermodynamic limitations, a diesel engine would be located in efficiencies of up to 40%, which is higher than the efficiency of a gasoline engine.

It is estimated that every 100 to 120 km of travel, the batteries must be recharged.
Recharging a full battery can take hours.

With use, the batteries deteriorate and each time have less load capacity
When you have your electric car, we want to be the ones who help you with insurance for your vehicle.
Today we give you information about electric cars, tomorrow, we will be the insurers of your ecological car.

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