Is auto parts engraving obligatory?

In recent years have been implemented in the country by the authorities, both provincial and national, many obligations, some of them by the owners of a car, seeking to prevent illegal activities, disable theft, avoid environmental pollution, etc. .  

Thus, we have for example the annual controls called VTV; the implementation of modifications in the driver's license; the sum of photomultas in the streets of Buenos Aires; and what we bring you today as a subject of interest: the self-engraving of parts.

grabado de autopartes

The engraving of auto parts, makes reference to the action of including the domain or patent of the automotive in the hood, doors and trunk.

It is carried out in a workshop authorized by the government; that is to say that you CAN NOT go to any workshop and have the auto parts of your vehicle recorded on your own, doing it that way IS ILLEGAL.Law 3,708 - Autoparts

Law 3,708, determines that all vehicles, new and used, registered in the City of Buenos Aires, must take turns to comply with what is mandated by the Autoparting Verification Registry, and thus, concur to record the domain of the vehicle on the hood, on all its doors and in its trunk.


As indicated on the website of Buenos Aires: "The RVA as enforcement authority will not only control the obligation of the Engraving but will also make an intensive control over the businesses dedicated to the sale of auto parts, registering and auditing them. In this way, the circle is closed for effective prevention of the crime of theft and sale of illegal auto parts. "We believe that the purpose of this law is clear: it seeks greater security and prevents the theft of vehicles for the sale of its parts.

The following points are established as requirements for the mentioned engraving:

    All automotive based in CABA are required

The 0 km have 30 days from their patent to attend record and not be in violation of the law

    The process can be carried out by the owner of the vehicle, or authorized, it is enough that the latter carry the documentation of the vehicle and the staff (Title of property or green / blue card and DNI)
engraving of auto partsUnfavorable numbers

A note issued by the newspaper Clarín, indicates that despite the mandatory nature of this law, only 24% of the vehicle fleet forced to comply with it, has carried out the process of engraving auto parts.There are 8 authorized workshops, where the engraving can be done. It has a price of $ 820 and if they control you and you do not have the engraving done, the fine is around $ 1447.50.

Once the engraving is done, they will place an identification wafer on the windshield and they will give you a GC01 form, which serves as proof of the procedure. The whole process takes between 15 and 20 minutesOur recommendation is that you do the procedure! It comes cheaper than paying the fine, it does not require a lot of time and it contributes to your safety.

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