Being in the street driving a car is also learning a series of implicit codes with which you have to dialogue to be able to do things well or to be able to collaborate from our place to a well-being in the field of roads.
Much of what is experienced or perceived on the street is learned in the previous courses that are taken to learn to drive or study for the time when you want to get a driver's license. However, the transit is not only theoretical that is studied and some actions that we decide to call "unofficial traffic signals" can occur and that somehow we have to know how to interpret.
Many of us realized to the force that something had to be done at a certain moment with actions expressed by other drivers but it is never bad to prevent, especially those drivers who go out for the first time to the streets and who never realized that there were certain Signs that sought to express some alerts.
How unofficial traffic signs are born
Many of the unofficial traffic signals end up being conventions within a given society and many may come from other times when technology and advances in car signs were insufficient.
Today, for example, to turn a corner we have a light that indicates which side I want to move with the vehicle but who has driven thirty years ago knows that it was used to take the left arm out the window and with that arm was indicated if doubled to the right or to the left with the car.
Today, with the speed that cars have acquired and also comfort, drivers are almost no longer seen expressing their car's intentions with their body, but there are other times when these spontaneous signs are still being used to understand why it is being used. operating in an unusual way.
A handkerchief through the window
One of the unofficial traffic signals could be the one that is revealed before a certain urgency and that is done by moving a handkerchief (if possible white) through a window of the car.
This signal indicates that there is an emergency such as a sick person, an accident victim or similar and that priority is required in order to reach the destination with more speed or comfort.
In general, when a person chooses to be noticed through this handkerchief by flying through the window, they usually have the possibility of evading some other traffic signal as long as there is no danger due to their faster progress.
A mermaid spinning
Another situation that can also be found on the street and that you have to know when you are driving (especially at the beginning of contact with driving) is the presence of a siren. This can belong to an ambulance or to a patrol car or firefighters, among some other possible occurrences.
The certain thing is that in the moment in which a siren sounds it is because it expresses danger and then of that form it is being asked for priority step. So much so that you could pass traffic lights in red or run into another lane (always contemplating the limits of the danger) so that it can lead to the advance of the vehicle that is manifesting the urgency.
Caring for unofficial traffic signals
The two manifestations that we mentioned previously are common and unexpected, so that whenever you know or keep in mind how to act, it will be beneficial. But they are not the only signs we can find when we travel. There are many gestures that linked drivers can make to give way or ask for passage in some corner or other. However, for these manifestations there are priorities and it is at this time that it is preferable to be guided by the present regulations, for example, in cases of vehicular priority.
Do you know some other unofficial traffic signs? What do you do when one appears in the middle of your transit?
Sunday, 18 March 2018
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