10 Facts about road safety in the world

At the pace at which the technology applied to the automotive industry has been advancing, some numbers related to road safety have been dangerously increased.Much has to do with the lack of awareness and reasoning about the importance of taking care of safety when the machinery for driving is increasingly powerful.
The best way to implement road safety is becoming aware of the risks, we present below ten alarming data that will make you think if you have been taking the right way in driving.

seguridad vial en el mundo

road safety in the world

1- More than one million people lose their lives per year in traffic accidents.
With the increase of vehicles on the street and the population worldwide, from 2007 to today, the percentage of deaths due to traffic accidents has remained stable. Among all age groups, the one that corresponds to people between 15 and 29 years old has been the most affected. And it is not always the victims who make the bad maneuvers at the wheel, but the ones affected are the vulnerable users such as pedestrians, cyclists or motorcyclists.

2-Low-income countries: those most affected by traffic accidents
While the highest rates of traffic accidents have been detected in Africa and the Middle East; It also happens that people in the poorest strata are affected in high-income countries.

3-Half of those who die due to traffic accidents are not drivers
In fifty percent of the cases a bad maneuver at the wheel leaves a person without life that had nothing to do with the driver of the vehicle. The cars have security measures to protect those who are driving but do not have the ability to preserve the lives of those who are on the public highway, therefore, the responsibility has to be on the driver's side.

4-A plus speed control, less traffic accidents
With the increase in driving speed, there is more likelihood of an accident occurring. And also at higher speeds the risk or consequences are greater. Always have to respect the maximum speeds established.

5-Alcohol control at the wheel is essential to lower mortality rates
The risk of having an accident is greater when you have drunk alcohol. That is why the control of this measure can not stop executing. The WHO admits up to 0.05 grams per deciliter of alcohol in blood, so that it is not at risk of an accident and for young or novice drivers 0.02 g / dl.

6-The use of quality helmet reduces by 40% the risk of death in an accident.
Only 44 countries that represent 17% of the population have regulations related to the use of helmets. Its implementation should be extended since not only the risk of death is reduced by 40% but also by 70% the fact of having a serious trauma.

7-With the seat belt in the front of the car reduces the death rate between 45% and 50% in case of an accident
The application of laws has promoted the increased use of seat belts and, as a result, the death of minors can be reduced by 70% and that of young children by 80%.

8-Baby seats are necessary to reduce the chances of death
Used properly, taking into account the child's proportion and weight, the infant seats and the elevators for small children, collaborate in the restraint that prevents the child from being dismissed in case of an accident.

9-You can save your life with quick attention in case of an accident
A rapid hospital response in case of a traffic accident has shown that it helps reduce the number of victims. One of the most efficient ways is to activate the response of the emergency services for a quick attention of the victims.

10-The car must be safe from the factory to prevent accidents
Both to prevent accidents and to reduce injuries in the event that one occurs, the cars must have safety measures from its manufacture. Of seven existing regulations to ensure the safety of vehicles, only 40 countries currently work with seven and their lack of implementation is observed in many of the accidents that occur daily.
Sufficient data to become aware of how important it is to comply with the rules in driving, right? The values ​​that are taken in relation to road safety are very dependent on the responsibility that everyone takes on the wheel; also of the backup that has been acquired with a trustworthy insurer like the one that can provide you

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