Fines: Types of fines you did not know you could receive


To achieve the organization of traffic and road safety, among other things, transit regulations were established. These are mandatory mandates, which require all citizens equally a certain behavior while at the wheel. Basically, they are rules that indicate those things that you can do and those that you can not do while circulating through public roads in your car.
There are municipal, provincial and also there are rules for the national territory. As an example, the circulation regulations determine issues such as: what documentation should you carry in the car, at what speed should you drive, and much more!
When the established norms are not fulfilled, they fall on the owner of the vehicle that was seen committing the infraction, they are the so feared and denominated TRANSIT PENALTIES.
These fines require you to pay an amount of money "x" (already pre-established according to the type of offense committed) that makes "punishment" for breach of law.
Since insurance can not settle actions that threaten the safety of third parties and / or imply breach of law, if you violate the rules, your car insurance can not save you from that! You can not, under any point of view, avoid the payment imposed on you as a punishment.Transit taxes
In the city of Buenos Aires, fines for bad parking and speeding are the stars of the fines.

If you live in the city of Buenos Aires, make your consultation of fines here.
Yes now! We mentioned some fines that may be charged and perhaps you did not know:

    Do not carry out the technical-mechanical and emissions-pollutant review (VTV), or when still carrying the corresponding certificates do not have the technical mechanical and polluting emission conditions.
    Do not use the safety belt on the part of the occupants of the vehicle and seat belts on the rear seats on vehicles manufactured from the year 2004. All occupants of the vehicle must wear a safety belt.
    Use mobile communication systems or telephones installed in vehicles at the time of driving. Yes, that's right, even when these systems are already installed in the vehicle, you can not use them while driving.
    Throw solid waste to public space from a vehicle or animal or human traction, parked or moving. If some transit personnel see you throwing trash on the public highway, you will be fined.
    Pedestrians, on their pedestrian path, are a priority. If you do not respect the spaces intended for pedestrians to cross, you can earn a fine.

Some of the traffic fines that can be charged and that you already know, but which never hurts to be remembered, are the following:

    Do not stop at a red or yellow light, a "STOP" sign or an intermittent red light.
    Driving without carrying the Mandatory Traffic Accident Insurance.
    Driving a vehicle without driving license or having it expired.
    Do not abide by traffic signals or requirements issued by traffic agents.
    Driving a vehicle at a speed higher than the maximum allowed, which must be marked in sectorized form.
    Travel in the opposite direction to that stipulated for the road, road or lane.
    Driving a vehicle without lights or without the luminous devices of position, directional or brake, or with any of them damaged.
    Parking a vehicle on prohibited sites.
    Driving under the influence of alcohol or under the effects of psychoactive substances.

Always remember that respecting the rules of transit not only implies complying with established regulations for communion in society, but, also, do your safety and that of others.

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